Kansa is an ayurvedic treatment that uses a special wand(s) with a metal bowl at the end. These bowls are made of a high quality, pure bronze, a combination of copper, tin and small traces of zinc, known as the "healing metal" in India. Kansa has been used for centuries in India to enhance wellness and beauty, increase energy and reduce stress. Using this wand on the face, feet and body helps to balance the body energetically as well as physically - balancing body, mind and spirit. Kansa moves electromagnetic energy faster than any other alloy. Because of its electromagnetic conductivity, it has a powerful effect on the body's subtle electrical system that runs through the chakras and acupuncture meridians.
Benefits of Kansa: Relaxing and rejuvenating Calms the whole nervous system Calms the mind Reduces stress and anxiety Detoxifies - helps remove excess acidity from body tissues and excess heat from the body Balances the three Ayurveda doshas Balances mind, body and spirit Reduces tension and pain Relieves tired or tight muscles Improves blood and lymph flow Restores levels of prana (life force energy) Restores and balances the body's innate energy system