EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a scientifically proven healing method that can provide profound results for mental and emotional issues. EFT works on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. And the more unresolved emotional issues you can clear, the more peace and emotional freedom you will have in your life.
Eft uses the Chinese meridian system, as used in acupuncture (mostly points on the head/face and upper chest), to treat emotional issues. The acupuncture points are stimulated by tapping on them (no needles involved) while tuning in to and talking about specific issues. This process sends a calming signal through your system in regards to the issue, and helps neutralize highly charged emotional energies, effectively telling your body, mind and energy to relax so that you can reach a state of neutrality. When this is accomplished, you will feel more peace and balance in yourself and in your life. EFT is especially useful for issues and traumas that we are very much aware of, such as those traumatic memories, and things we know trigger us and/or get us into a highly agitated or emotional state.
*EFT sessions can be held remotely via Zoom * EFT may also be combined with COA and/or Emotional Alchemy in a session.