Yes, remote/distance healing works! It works because we are dealing with energy. It can get a little complicated, as a lot of it is based on quantum physics, but here are some simple key points to understand:
Everything is energy...everything. Your thoughts and emotions, your body, and everything else you can see, and and even what you can not see in your surroundings....all energy.
All energy vibrates at varying frequencies.
The being that is you, is made up of many subtle layers or levels of vibrating energy.
All energy is connected....all energy in the universe.
Energy is influenced by intention.
Pioneers of quantum physics realized that the underpinning of our universe was one vast unified field of energy, with everything connected to everything, as if by a giant web. And since all living beings are composed of the same basic quantum materials, they are all interconnected within this vast field.
Quantum entanglement explains that particles are connected, and can influence each other, even when separated. When something happens to one particle, it is reflected in the other particles, even when separated by space, no matter how far away the particles are from each other. Einstein described this as "spooky action at a distance". One of the many exciting prospects that Quantum Entanglement makes possible is the ability to transfer information instantaneously.
When a "healer", no matter how far away they may physically be from you, uses specific techniques and intention to zero in on your specific energy signature, any healing protocols then performed with you as the intended recipient, will effect your energy body and energy fields. Energy work can effectively shift energies on all levels (mental, emotional, spiritual...even physical)