While the many compounds in plants and flowers can promote healing in the physical body, their higher vibrational frequencies can have a profound affect on your energetic body, healing your emotions and issues at a soul level.
Flower remedies are one of the most beautiful and gentle methods of healing. They can be utilized when dealing with day-to-day stresses as well as long-held emotional traumas and issues.
Herbal remedies and essential oils contain the physical substances of plants and flowers and work well on the physical body. Flower essence remedies contain only the vibrational energy (imprint/signature of the flower and do their work on the energetic level, healing the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being. Of course, when we balance and heal these aspects, physical healing becomes much easier. Dr. Edward Bach, who first discovered flower remedies in 1932, believed that all illness and disease is caused by disharmony between the body and the mind, and that symptoms of illness are the external expressions of negative emotional states. When we release these negative states, the way for physical healing is opened up.
These remedies work by something called "resonance". This means that the vibrational energy of the flower essence creates changes in our own personal energy field vibration when the two fields meet. They fill our aura with their unique, special frequencies, and nudge our energy vibration to match theirs, and as we begin to resonate with the unique qualities of these flowers, harmony, balance and healing are achieved. Flowers are alive with their own innate wisdom. Each flower has its own unique frequency signature and its own specific healing ability and there are flowers for just about every issue in the emotional, mental, spiritual realms.
Everything in the universe has its own unique energy signature. Every negative thought, belief, emotion, behavior and personality trait has its own vibrational frequency. These vibrational frequencies create changes in our energy body. When these are long-held or chronic, there will be dis-harmony in our energy field that will certainly effect our lives. The flower essence remedies work gently yet deeply to release these negative energies, by overwriting and removing limiting & defeating beliefs, and memories of trauma from our subconscious minds. They work so subtly and gently that often times change goes unnoticed until we suddenly realize that something that would have triggered us in the past no longer effects us, or we suddenly notice that we use to think or feel a certain way about something but no longer do, or someone else notices and comments on a change in our behavior or attitude.
When using flower remedies there is no need to re-live past traumas or re-experience emotional pain, with the essences they are just gently released. (and as stated above, usually without you even noticing until some time later) These essences gently help us resolve and release various negative emotional energies including thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, limiting or destructive behavioral patterns, and the negative ways we may have been conditioned to view the world. In this way, they help create an experience of greater balance, harmony and well-being in our lives. *Available upon request