Emotional release techniques are designed to help relieve stresses and release trapped emotional energies that may be limiting you in your daily life and contributing to chronic health conditions.
It has been long known that there is a very strong connection between our emotional state and our physical health and overall well-being. Aside from the physical aspect (which we'll touch on later), trapped emotional energies can affect us in many ways, and cause challenges, struggles, problems and suffering of all sorts. They can greatly effect our beliefs and how we perceive the world, other people, and situations, and how we react to them today. They can make it difficult for us to make wise choices and decisions, and can even keep us locked in fear of making decisions at all. They can cause us to misinterpret behavior, make the wrong assumptions, over-react, and can wreak havoc in our relationships. They contribute to unhealthy behaviors and reactive patterns that hold us back and create discord, conflict, discomfort and dissatisfaction in our lives. Most often we are totally unaware of why we react the way we do in certain situations. These emotional energies often prevent us from fully engaging in life on our own terms, and keep us small and fearful. Because we are so often unaware of the nature of these trapped emotions, they can hold us back in so many ways from attaining the life we truly desire and fully enjoying healthy, flourishing relationships.
Emotional energy can become "trapped" when we are unable to process the emotions at the time we experience them, either because we have never experienced it before and do not have the proper coping skills, we don't have the support we need during a stressful traumatic event, or we aren't able to process them at the time, and so we stuff them for later and then never re-visit them. Emotional energy can become stuck when there is extreme shock, trauma, stress or other disturbances that occur simultaneously along with an experience. Physical traumas can also cause emotional energy to become trapped. We also set ourselves up for trapped emotional energy when we convince ourselves (or we are told) not to feel what we are really feeling. And, of course, emotions become trapped when we suppress/repress them. Many of these trapped emotional energies are formed during early childhood, when we are too young and ill-equipped to process difficult, stressful or traumatic situations, feelings and emotions.
It has been well documented that trapped emotions are directly related to physical symptoms, mental stress and chronic health conditions. This makes sense when we look at the body-mind as a whole, rather than as separate parts. To reach a true state of healing and wellness, the mental/emotional aspects at the core of physical symptoms and conditions, must be addressed.
Trapped emotional energies become stuck within us and disrupt the natural flow of vital energy through our physical, mental and emotional bodies. They vibrate at a negative frequency and cause the surrounding tissues, organs, glands etc. to resonate at a negative frequency as well. Over time, this can prevent proper functioning of organs, glands, cells, etc, which gradually leads to various symptoms, conditions and chronic diseases. A breakdown in the communication circuit of the organ, gland or body part is created, weakening it, and causing a variety of disorders that can result in discomfort and disease. As stated earlier, trapped emotional energies disrupt the energy flow within the body, and where there are disturbances in the flow of energy, there is imbalance, and the immune system can become weakened. It is at these weakened areas that bacteria and viruses will target, causing infections, and these areas are where diseases may form first. These weakened areas of imbalance are where injuries also occur. As stated above, many of these trapped emotions were formed in early childhood and have been vibrating negatively in our bodies for years. It is believed by many that there is an emotional component to every physical symptom, disease & condition. This includes everything from food sensitivities and allergies, muscular imbalances, joint pain and degeneration, other physical pains, digestive issues (just to name a few), and most other chronic conditions and diseases.
Needless to say, trapped emotions can cause all sorts of unnecessary stress, anxiety, and health and other problems in our lives. There is a great sense of freedom when you release these trapped emotional energies, which leads to a greater sense of balance, peace and well-being, and greater ease in your life, health and relationships.
Limiting Beliefs
The beliefs that we hold to be true, essentially make up the experience of our reality. Many of these beliefs are not actually "true" but we have subconsciously decided somewhere along the way that they are, and we have (again, subconsciously) agreed to live our lives based on these beliefs. They color our vision and perception of the world and of our experiences, and they determine how we behave and feel in various situations. Some of these beliefs were decided when we were very young and many of them were "forced" upon us by others. Since information, and everything we experience is filtered through these beliefs, they can be very limiting, forcing us to live below our true potential, limiting our progress and holding us back from creating and living the life we truly want. The truth is that we will have trouble manifesting anything we desire into our lives if we do not BELIEVE in it a core level. Our beliefs become our reality, so it is extremely important to ensure that our beliefs are ones that inspire and empower us! Energy psychology and other techniques can be used to address these limiting beliefs that are coloring your experience and holding you back, and replace them with ones that empower you instead, so you can create the life you truly desire.
You don't believe what you see, you see what you already believe
Emotional release sessions are often a blend of different modalities including COA, Emotional Alchemy and different forms of tapping